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  • Writer's pictureLennon Richardson

How to Feel Happy Even When Life Sucks? (Full Emotional Spectrum)

Caring for my mother with dementia is extremely stressful, I'm broke, I wrecked my trailer, I got my heart broken and I constantly struggle with mental health issues ... yet every day I experience moments of bliss and rapture. How do I do this?

I do not repress sadness. I allow myself to fully feel the negative feels. I cry in the shower and process my negative emotions. I allow myself to be truly unhappy. Once I have, I remind myself of the beauty of life. With the negative emotions now expelled, I feel joy.

When you cut off one half of the emotional spectrum - when you repress negative emotions - you simultaneously limit your ability to experience true happiness. Allow yourself to be sad. Allow yourself to cry deeply. You do this and I promise you, you will feel better after. You will have expanded your ability to experience all emotions including the emotions of joy and happiness.

Peace and Blessings.


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